Patofisiologi virus ebola pdf

Ebola hemorrhagic fever ehf was first reported in 1976 during the ebola outbreak in the democratic republic of the congo formerly zaire, and the. The index case in this outbreak has not yet been identified and epidemiologic investigations are ongoing, including laboratory testing. Ebola virus does a total shutdown to hide before a fresh strike. Whether sars in 2003, marburg in 2007, h1n1 influenza in 2009, or ebola and enterovirus d68 today, emerging infections are a persistent threat and we. Ebola virus disease evd is an infectious disease that is spread through humans when blood or bodily fluids urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, and semen from a person infected with ebola come into direct contact through broken skin or mucous membranes such as eyes, nose, or mouth with another. Ebola virus has a unique set of characteristics that determine how and why its spreads, and how deadly it can be. Ebola virus disease evd is one of numerous viral hemorrhagic fevers. Penyakit virus ebola evd atau demam berdarah ebola ehf adalah penyakit pada manusia yang disebabkan oleh virus ebola. Since then, there have been more than 0 cases reported with a mortality rate of approximately 70% in clinically confirmed cases. Withdrawn ebola infection prevention and control guidance for primary care ref. In most cases, zika virus infection causes a mild, selflimited illness. Ebola virus ebov belongs to the filoviridae family and is responsible for a severe disease characterized by the sudden onset of fever and malaise accompanied by other nonspecific signs and symptoms. First recognized near the ebola river valley during an outbreak in zaire in 1976 6, 20, outbreaks have occurred in africa in the ensuing 27 years, with mortality rates ranging from 50 to 90% 26, 28.

Neurological, cognitive, and psychological findings among survivors of ebola virus disease from the 1995 ebola outbreak in kikwit, democratic republic of congo. Prevention and control measures for ebola virus disease. The ebov first attacks macrophages and dendritic immune. The outbreak of ebola virus disease in west africa is unprecedented in many ways, including the high proportion of doctors, nurses, and other health care workers who have been infected. Ebola ebola virus disease ebola ebola virus disease fact sheet. Of these, two tested positive for ebola virus, zaire ebolavirus species, by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction rtpcr on 7 may 2018, and the outbreak was officially declared on 8 may 2018. The dispute involves ebola virus in particular, the one among those five ebolaviruses that has emerged most frequently, in multiple locations across africa, and therefore cries most loudly for. Pada manusia, tingkat kematian kasus evd ratarata 50% bervariasi dari 25% hingga 90% dalam kasus wabah sebelumnya.

This viral agent is regarded as a prototype pathogen. A significant unanswered question has arisen for the scientific and engineering communities, as well as the general public, surrounding ebola virus persistence in the environment and the. It can then spread from human to human through direct contact with a. Treatment of ebola virus infection with antibodies from. The ebov first attacks macrophages and dendritic immune cells.

In march 2014, an outbreak of evd was recognized in guinea which would become the most significant outbreak of haemorrhagic fever in africa to date. Ebola, also known as ebola hemorrhagic fever or ebola viral disease, is a rare and deadly illness caused by one of the strains of ebola virus. Rapid risk assessment outbreak of ebola virus disease in west africa, 8 april 2014 3 haemorrhagic manifestations can appear in more than half of the patients bloody diarrhoea, nosebleeds, haematemesis, petechiae, ecchymosis and puncture bleedings. In march 2014, the largest ebola outbreak in history exploded across west africa. Masa inkubasi biasanya dimulai dua hari hingga tiga minggu setelah terjangkit virus, dengan adanya demam, sakit tenggorokan, nyeri otot, dan sakit kepala.

Ebola virus disease purpose the wisconsin department of health services dhs has developed this guide as a resource to ensure that the department and its partners are effectively communicating and coordinating messages about ebola with. As of november 14, 2014, the world health organization has reported a total of 21,296 ebola virus disease evd. Administration of this treatment to ebola virusinfected patients while preventing the transmission of other pathogenic viruses may be best accomplished by use of virusinactivated reconvalescent plasma. The geographical pattern of ebola outbreaks science and. The pathogenesis of ebola hemorrhagic fever sciencedirect. Ebola virus cannot spread to others when a person has no signs or symptoms of evd. The six known virus species are named for the region where each was originally identified. Additionally, the virus is not spread through the air, by water, or in general, by food. The deadly african virus presented by claudia hacker ebola virus introduction first appeared in africa 1976 african hemorrhagic fever.

Chughtai, helping to solve the primary question of whats next and aiding in. Concern about ebola is growing amid a recent outbreak in western africa that now appears to be spreading beyond the continent with a few scattered, isolated cases being reported in the u. The average ebola case fatality rate is around 50%. Ebola is a rare but deadly virus that causes fever, body aches, and diarrhea, and sometimes bleeding inside and outside the body as the virus spreads through the body, it damages the immune. Biology 101, mwf 10am ebola paper ebola virus over the past couple years, discussion regarding the ebola virus has gone viral and ignited chaos both domestically and abroad. August 2016 importance ebolaviruses and marburgviruses are incompletely understood pathogens that. Early supportive care with rehydration, symptomatic treatment improves survival. Centers for disease control and prevention cdc issued a health advisory alert on evaluating patients for possible ebola virus disease. In accordance with the procedures at reference, eadrcc has received on 01 september 2014, an assistance request from united nations office for coordination of.

Animation of the mechanism of an influenza virus and how crucells antibodies target the ha1 proteins on the virus and prevent further spread of influenza. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of ebola virus disease will be presented here, including knowledge that emerged during and after the west african epidemic of ebola virus disease. Ebolavirus disease ebola outbreaks in africa important information for clinicians in secondary or tertiary care 6 june 2018 key point clinicians should be alert to the possibility of ebola in unwell travellers returning from affected areas of africa, and obtain a full travel and exposure history. Ebola virus causes lethal hemorrhagic disease in humans, yet there are still no satisfactory biological explanations to. Ebola was first identified in 1976 near the ebola river in the country now known as the democratic republic of the congo. Ebola is a virus that was discovered back in 1976, but has not failed to grab peoples attention in the recent years 1. In march 2014, an outbreak of ebola virus ebola arose in western africa. Researchers believe that the virus first spreads from an infected animal to a human. Progression of ebola depends on variety of factors. In 2014, west african countries guinea, liberia, and sierra leone. The glycoproteins of ebola virus are thought to play important roles in pathogenesis.

Ebola disease ebola disease is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. However, in certain parts of the world, ebola virus may spread through the handling and consumption of bushmeat wild animals hunted for food. Ebola virus in animals in the democratic republic of the congo and cameroon. Gejala ini biasanya diikuti dengan mual, muntah, dan diare, serta menurunnya fungsi liver dan ginjal.

The toll of ebola in guinea, liberia, and sierra leone march 1, 2014april 30, 2016 figure 1. Clinical evidence suggests that antibodies from reconvalescent donors persons who have recovered from infection may be effective in the treatment of ebola virus infection. The outbreak started in guinea and rapidly spread to liberia and sierra leone, claiming thousands of lives. Ebola virus ebov and marburg virus marv, members of the filoviridae virus family, are known as emerging and reemerging zoonotic pathogens causing acute hemorrhagic fever with a high casefatality rate in humans up to 90%. From origins to outbreak covers ebola virus disease in its entirety from its origins through major outbreaks in the past to the present day outbreak. What appears to occur with ebola is that there is an inappropriate, innate immune response, and that is what actually causes the tissue damage. Over the past 40 years, sporadic ebola virus disease evd outbreaks have occurred mostly in the central african region. It is a severe, often fatal disease 50%90% fatality in humans and nonhuman primates such as monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees. Timeline of key events, new cases, and cumulative ebola cases and deaths guinea. Multiorgan dysfunction occurs in severe forms with a mortality up to 90%.

The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of ebola virus disease are discussed elsewhere. Penyakit virus ebola ebola virus disease bahasa indonesia version agen penyebab. Doc makalah mengenai virus bab ii pembahasan alfian. Ebola outbreak shows the dark side of mother nature. Be aware that ebola guidance documents from the centers for disease control and prevention cdc are being addedupdated periodically. Marburgvirus infections ebola and marburg virus disease, ebola and marburg hemorrhagic fever, african hemorrhagic fever in africa. Excluding 2000 outbreak 1,500 cases over 1,000 deaths. Ebola is also known as ebola virus disease evd or ebola hemorrhagic fever ehf.

It contains information on the west saharan response to ebola as well as highlights from the field in west africa from dr. Ebola virus has lurked in a mans semen for more than 500 days. Outbreaks have been identified yearly for the past 3 years in. Ebola virus is an aggressive pathogen that causes a highly lethal hemorrhagic fever syndrome in humans and nonhuman primates. Ebola virus symptoms, treatment, and prevention youtube. Timeline of key events, new cases, and cumulative ebola cases and deaths west africa figure 2. Early clinical sequelae of ebola virus disease in sierra leone. There are five ebola subspecies, four of which are known to cause the disease.